Friday, July 26, 2013


Hello I´m Poseidon Caribbean Pacific. I want to give you a warm welcome in this wonderful day. I want to apply for the God of Gods job. Zeus needs to be replaced quickly. He is very old for the job. He has been in that position since 800 b.c. I suggest you should pick me for the job. I am the God of the Seas, as you know I can control the water and everything related to it. Zeus only controls heaven and thunder, who needs a King that can only control that! I know he won the fight against the Titans, I was there. That´s the only reason why he´s the king and not me. If I were the king, I would make everything better.  I would´ve given man the best. Zeus let them evolve slowly, I would´ve given them everything they needed in the second they needed it! Not like Zeus, he didn’t give them what they needed, he let them solve their own problems in the time they had thought how to solve it. I would´ve given them the idea in the instant man had a problem. That king of yours has a kid with every woman recorded In Greek mythology! Why would you like a king that did and still does that! I am the perfect ruler for the world. He has a thunder for a weapon; on the other hand, I have a super powerful trident that helps me control the seas. That king Zeus is useless; he is as old as the Olympus itself (that´s like very, very, very old). I went to Hebe the God of Youth to rejuvenate me so I look much younger. I am stronger, better, and more intelligent. I should be chosen to have the position of God of Gods. I should´ve been chosen to be the God of Gods since the beginning. Zeus is now useless and old, I am strong and young. Thanks for reading my cover letter and please consider hiring me for being your new God of the Gods.

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