Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Write an essay answering either one of these questions. 
Make sure you answer all the question and provide evidence from the story.

                   Essay 1  
W             What do you think Jimmy decides to do at the end of “A Retrieved Reformation”? Do you think he returns to Annabel and Mr. Adams to explain the truth about his criminal past? Does he take Annabel's rose and walk away? Write an essay telling what you predict Jimmy will do. Give reasons for your answer.

Essay 2
                   One way O. Henry keeps readers interested in Jimmy Valentine in “A Retrieved Reformation” is by creating a character with a distinct personality. He is real to readers because he makes both good and bad choices along the way. Write an essay in which you describe some of Jimmy's personal traits and the choices he makes, and explain how you think his personality traits affect those choices.


  1. Essay 1

    What do you think Jimmy decides to do at the end of “A Retrieved Reformation”? Do you think he returns to Annabel and Mr. Adams to explain the truth about his criminal past? Does he take Annabel's rose and walk away? Write an essay telling what you predict Jimmy will do. Give reasons for your answer.


    Jimmy before he was a crock he used to steal banks but now he is free. He also has met a wonderful women and are going to get married. But she doesn't know his ugly past. But one day a little girl got stuck in the thing where they put the money on the banks so he has to save her by using his crock style to open it.

    Jimmy decides to tell his wife and her father he was a thief but he has now changed and becamed a better man. Jimmy will take the flower but just before he was gone Annabel tells him that it doesn't matter if you were a thief I still love you of what you are right now and then mr Adams tells him that you are still a great man with my "bendincion" .

    Jimmy live good life with no crocks or robbery just a straight life of happiness and joy with his beautiful family and two tins boy and girl. He then took mr Adams bank .

  2. Jimmy Valentine is a rather intricate man. His traits along the storyline seem to change, but somehow remain static. This ¨trait¨ Jimmy Valentine has is weird, and confusing, but when given enough thought, it is easy to understand.

    Jimmy Valentine has many traits that easily show. It is easy to know that he is an easygoing man, he is never in a hurry, and doesn't show desperation throughout the course of the story. He is also a good man, deep inside, who regrets his past. Even though he may look evil, he is a peaceful man, who is also a victim of true love.

    During his life, he made many choices, good and bad. Perhaps his most important choice was deciding to become a shoe maker. That and only that changed his life completely. His personal traits influenced him a lot when making choices, were they good or bad. A very memorable moment of the story is when he gets Agatha out of the bank's vault. It completely destroyed the status he got by working so hard to change himself, but it was a good choice. This shows that deep inside, Jimmy Valentine is a good man.

    From most of the books and stories I've, Jimmy Valentine is certainly a remarkable character, and is probably the most astounding character regarding personality that I have yet known. He is a man of truth, a man of lies, a man of good, and a man of bad. This character has a very memorable personality that is sure to surprise and astound anyone. Readers, I present to you Jimmy Valentine.

    Wheeew, that certainly took a lot of time to write.
