Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Analyzing Characters

Questions to ask when analyzing  character,

  • What is the character´s motivation.
  • Consider the effects of the characters behavior on other characters in the story. 
  • Look for repeatedly used words or phrases that describe the character. 
  • What does the character think.
  • Pay attention to the characters ethics.


  1. My favorite character is Steve: from the game Minecraft:

    And just if he isn't valid, my favorite character is Leo son of Hephaestus, from the Percy Jackson, (Heros of Olympus) books.

  2. I choosed Cindirella because she is super nice.
    She is in The movie of Disney:Cindirella

  3. Parvana from the breadwinner series
    Aida and francisco

  4. This is from Isabel Melo and Fabiola:
    Bethany Hamilton from Soul Surface
    because she is brave and determined.

  5. Patrick Star
    Sponge Bob SquarePants

  6. My favorite character is Brendan Colon from the movie Warrior

  7. my favourite character is ariel. from the movie the little mermaid. i really love that movie. i love it since i was little- Maria Fernanda Rodriguez

  8. My favourite character is Rapunzel from the Disney movie Tangled. I love her because she is nice, she has a good attitude, she is funny and also because she has a dream to accomplish.

  9. My favorite character is Alan from two and a half man

    He is my favorite character because he makes all of his audience laugh and he has a very good sense of humor. We also like it because he has a brilliant mind. -Jose Ramon :)

  10. My favorite character is link from the legend of zelda because I have all the games and I have played that game since I 5 years old - Manuel Arias

  11. my favorite character is raj from the big bang theory because he has a funny accent and good sense of humor

  12. juan david's favorite character is sheldon cooper from big bang theory because he has a funny personality

  13. My favorite character is Aria From Pretty little liars because she is very different from all the other characters she is pretty confident

  14. My favorite character is Annabeth Chase daughter of Athena, goddess of wisdom and battle. She is intelligent and has a fascination for architecture.

  15. My character is Belle from "The Beauty and the Beast" I like Belle because she finds a way to show the Beast that he is not as bad as he thinks he is.

  16. Ricardo and My favorite character is the creeper from minecraft because it destroy houses and kills people by exploding  

    Roderick Motta

    Ricardo Lasso De La Vega

  17. Our character is Dr. Seuss because he is very fun and creative.
    this is from Diana Arango and Jaime Crespo

  18. hi, i am pedro (drope) my favorite character is siri from the iphone because she helps me in everythingggg.....

  19. Captain Hook ,because I like the way he expresses his dislike and actions to Peter Pan.

  20. My favorite character is siri from the iphone

  21. My favourite character is Belle from Beauty and the Beast because she learned to love a "beast".
