Friday, October 25, 2013

Using Quotations

Thursday, October 24, 2013


Italics and underlines are useful forms of punctuation for emphasis and setting certain groups of words apart from others. In this lesson, you will learn why and how these features help your writing.
Italicizing and Underlining are interchangeable in use. Before typewriters and computers, writing was done by hand, so italicizing words was difficult, if not impossible. Therefore, underlining was used to emphasize words.Technology now allows us to use one or the other as we please.
Grammar and usage dictates when we should use italics and underlining and when we shouldn't. Here are key areas you will find them in writing.
Rule 1: Italicize or underline the titles of long written works, such as books, magazines, movies, TV shows, newspapers, plays, musicals, and albums or CDs.
Gary Paulsen's novelHatchetGary Paulsen's novelHatchet
The New York TimesThe New York Times
Shakespeare's playRomeo and JulietShakespeare's playRomeo and Juliet
the Broadway hit A Chorus Linethe Broadway hit A Chorus Line


Be consistent! Don't italicize one title and underline the next one. Pick one style and then stick to it.
Exception: Do not underline or italicize the titles of holy books, such as the Bible, the Tanakh, or the Koran. The names of chapters or books within these works are also not underlined or italicized: I Corinthians, Genesis, Yusuf.


Use quotation marks around the titles of stories, songs, short poems, articles, and other smaller-sized works.
Aesop's fable "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" (short story)
Francis Scott Key's "The Star Spangled Banner" (song)
Shel Silverstein's "Sick" (short poem)
"Making Recycling Really Pay" (article)
Rule 2: Italicize or underline foreign words.
Madame Kondoleon greeted the class by saying bonjour!
Madame Kondoleon greeted the class by saying bonjour!
Senora Reyes shared the platano with her class.
Senora Reyes shared the platano with her class.
Note, however, that many foreign words have become part of the English language,and need not be italicized; for example, hacienda, kibitz, and taco.(When in doubt, check your dictionary.)
Rule 3: Italicize or underline words you want to emphasize.
When we speak, our tone of voice can emphasize words and imply meaning.
When we write, we can use italics or underlines to do the same thing.

Can you tell the difference in the meanings of these four sentences?

Jane was overjoyed.[Okay, Jane was overjoyed.]
Jane was overjoyed.[It wasn't anyone; it wasJane who was overjoyed.]
Jane wasoverjoyed.[Jane's no longer overjoyed.]
Jane wasoverjoyed[Jane wasn't just happy, she was overjoyed.]
Rule 4: Italicize onomatopoeia (sound words).
Brrrr! It's freezing out here. Let's get inside where it's warm.
Clink! Clank! Carefully trying to make it from the dining room to the kitchen with the stack of dishes, Olivia tripped on the bump in the rug and the mountain of dirty dishes fell—crash!—to the floor.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Include parenthetical citations. Include the author and year of publication in parenthesis after paraphrased text---for example (Coleman, 1997). If you include the author's name in the sentence, add the year of publication in parenthesis after the name---for example, "As Coleman (1997) argued... ." Follow the parenthetical citation with end punctuation for a sentence, usually a period.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Fredericksburg Battlefield

Write a history-related writing, as if you were a soldier or a nurse in Fredericksburg. Describe the setting.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Clara Barton

Short Response questions
1. What is Captain Neal´s opinion of Ms. Barton?
2. How does Clara obtain her supply?
3. What did Ms. Barton do before the war? (work wise)
4. Why does Captain Neil reprimand Brown?
5. Who is Mrs. Fales? How does she meet Clara?
6. Who are the Grey coats?
7. Why is Captain Neal upset at Clara? How does she justify it?
8. What does the telegram say?
9.What event causes Captain Neal to change his opinion about Ms. Barton?

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

A Noble Experiment Questions

Obj: Analyze and review the story.

1) What was the situation in baseball like in 1940?
2) Who is Branch Ricky?
3) Who is Charley Thomas?
4) Why couldn't Charley Thomas sleep at night?
5) What were the qualities of a "Ricky's Noble Experiment" man?
6)What is the Jim Crow section?
7) Describe the exposition of the story.
8) Describe the conflict of the story.

9)What did Branch Ricky mean when he told Jackie he would have to have the courage to ¨not fight back¨? How can refusing to engage a fight be an example of courage?
10) what Negro League Team did Jackie Robinson play for?
11) what was Wendell Smith P.O.V. on Ricky Branch and Robinson?
12) What was the conversation between Sukeforth and Robinson about?
13) Describe Branch Ricky.
14)What does Ricky mean when he said to Robinson, ¨There are times when a man needs a woman by his side.¨
15) What did Ricky mean by,¨the baseball box score is a democratic thing.¨

Monday, October 7, 2013

Jackie Robinson

Write a paragraph about Jackie Robinson using at least 7 of the 10 vocabulary words.